Tag: get it in writing

The Most Important Question You Can Ask Before Renovating

You’ve decided it’s time to move ahead with your long-planned renovation project. You’ve collected all sorts of great ideas and product pictures, visited the local Home Show and spent many hours online looking at what other homeowners have done in their projects. Now your ‘shopping’ for a professional contractor who will make it all happen. … Continued

The Ins and Outs of Renovation Warranties

When you hire a contractor to renovate or improve your home, there are a lot of details that need to be spelled-out in your work order or contract. The more obvious of these are a thorough description of the work to be done, the work schedule to be followed, and what amounts you will pay … Continued

Three Tips For Hiring a Great Renovation Contractor

Home renovations can be one of the biggest single expenses most people ever take on, and the success of your project depends a lot on the contractor you choose. The crazy thing is, people often put more thought into selecting a shirt than they do to finding a contractor worthy of trust. So how can … Continued

Should You Do It Yourself?

Planning a DIY renovation project? Here are some questions to ask yourself first. Do you have the skills? Many of today’s home improvement products make it easy for do-it-yourselfers, but other projects require specialized skills. Seeing something done on a television renovation show isn’t the same as having practical experience. Getting in over your head can end … Continued

5 facts you need to know about heating your home

As Canadians, we rely on heating systems more than most nations in the world. But our need doesn’t necessarily translate into knowledge. If you’re unhappy with the comfort or cost of keeping your home warm in winter, here are some things to consider. Insulation is key While the kind of energy source and heating equipment … Continued

How to make changes once a renovation begins

Your dream renovation is underway. You found the right contractor, checked their references, agreed on the plans and schedule, and most importantly signed a contract that includes a warranty. But you’ve just found the perfect lighting fixture or floor tile, and it’s different than what’s in your contract. Or you’ve opened up a wall to … Continued

Everything you need to know before hiring a contractor

Before hiring a contractor for your home renovation or repair project, here are some important questions you need to answer. Remember that professional contractors can provide clear answers to your questions. If they can’t, they’re not the right contractor for you. Before hiring a contractor, ask yourself: Is this the right contractor? You need someone … Continued

Seven elements to include in your home renovation contract

“A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.” While historians disagree on who came up with this timeless quote, its accuracy isn’t questioned. That’s why when you hire someone to work on your home, you need a written home renovation contract. Seven features of a good home renovation contract A contract can be … Continued